PhaseOne - Rocktronic Samples

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PhaseOne Discusses Sample Creation and Offers Advice for Producers

Can you give a brief snapshot of how you create your sounds?

I treat basses like guitars. I use a lot of guitar amp simulators, cabinets and distortion to somewhat mimic the Impulse responses that a real guitar has. You hear it a lot in the attack, room and ‘room sound’ of the bass samples - They’ve all been heavily processed for you to just drop and drag into your DAW project. This pack includes 300+ samples of basses, electric guitars, drums, synths & vocals.

How do you hope producers use the sounds in your pack?

‘Rocktronic’ as a genre is becoming more and more prominent these days, so many bands are taking inspiration from the EDM space and vice versa. This pack is perfect for any producer trying to genre-blend. I’d love to see producers adding the guitar samples from the pack to their electronic song or the synths to their bands song.

What piece of advice do you give to yourself starting in music?

Practice practice practice. Learn an instrument. Combine different genres. I wish when I was starting there was the amount of resources that are available today. These days Producers have an endless amount of tools at their disposal, which is amazing but you have to be careful you don't get caught using the same thing everyone is and sounding unoriginal.

What do you do when you get stuck on a project?

Make a personal sample pack. Seriously, whenever I get writers block I try do sound design sessions and mess around with resampling, it brings so much inspiration, it takes you out of the pressure of forcing yourself to write a song and gives you a nice selection of sounds you can draw inspiration from. Also, the more and more samples you collect in your personal library you then have the foundation of a proper sample pack, which is exactly what this pack is - a collection of sounds that I’ve consolidated over the years + a lot of newly recorded samples + riffs for the pack.

Click the button below and check out the sample pack today!
